Strategy & Operations Consulting Partner

Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC
The supply chain environment is evolving rapidly and becoming increasingly complex. Even companies that have previously built efficient supply chains may need to adapt and establish a system that can adapt to further changes. To address these challenges, companies should take a holistic approach to their supply chain and implement optimal measures. Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting provides comprehensive support, from strategic planning to operational implementation, to help companies achieve this goal. We offer "company-wide reform" which not only improves each function of the supply chain, but also gives a holistic view of the entire supply chain and drastically improves its structure.
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Consulting Partner

QUNIE Corporation
The corporate supply chain environment has become increasingly globalized, diverse, and complex in recent years, with unexpected changes happening frequently. The changes are also widespread and ongoing, requiring quick review and decisions across various supply chain aspects. Drawing from his extensive experience in next-gen global SCM initiatives, Qunie offers various perspectives on globalization of SCM, improving responsiveness to changes, quick decision-making, and profit management using S&OP. We assist our customers in transforming their supply chains and enhancing their overall corporate value.
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ABeam Consulting Co. Ltd.
The corporate supply chain environment is becoming more globalized, diverse, and complex, with unexpected changes becoming a common occurrence. These changes are pervasive and ongoing, requiring rapid reviews and decisions across various supply chain aspects. ABeam Consulting, drawing from extensive experience in advanced global supply chain management initiatives, provides a wide range of perspectives on globalization, improving adaptability to changes, speeding up decision-making, and utilizing S&OP for profit management. Their company assists clients in transforming their supply chains and elevating their overall corporate value.
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SI & Managed Service Partner

Nippon Systemware Co., Ltd.
Established in 1966, NSW offers comprehensive services including system construction for industries such as manufacturing and distribution, IT infrastructure design and operation, and cloud services utilizing our own data center. Their expertise also encompasses the development of embedded systems, as well as the design and development of LSIs and boards in the in-vehicle and communication/equipment fields. By focusing on the IoT/AI field, and utilizing their past achievements, NSW strives to be a leading company in the realization of DX/digital transformation for customers by providing various solutions and services centered on IoT platform "Toami."
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SCP & SCE Solution Partner

NTT Logisco Co., Ltd.
NTT Logisco is the only 3PL (third party logistics) company of the NTT Group and is responsible for providing 3PL services to customers in the "IT equipment", "medical equipment" and "entertainment" industries, including the NTT Group. In 2019, they formulated a new management vision that "NTT Logisco is a company that continues to evolve the logistics of their customers and create a beautiful and transparent flow for their customers and society", and as a solution provider that solves customers' problems, they are promoting the development and provision of solutions for each industry. In the logistics industry, where labor shortages are becoming more serious, there is a need to improve productivity by changing the conventional system. To achieve this, it is important to visualize and control the flow of information that occurs before the flow of things. Based on the economical T³ Smart SCM provided by Zionex, NTT Logisco's "strengths and knowledge of having a field" can be added to enable speeding up of the PDCA cycle from planning to execution. They are jointly developing solutions that leverage the strengths of both companies and developing them for mid-sized companies, which are a common target.
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PLM Partner
ARAS Corporation
Aras provides the most powerful low-code platform with applications to design, build, and operate complex products. Its technology enables the rapid delivery of flexible, upgradeable solutions that build business resilience. Aras’ platform and product lifecycle management applications connect users in all disciplines and functions to critical product data and processes across the lifecycle and throughout the extended supply chain. Airbus, Audi, DENSO, Honda, Kawasaki, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, and Nissan are using the platform to manage complex change and traceability. Visit to learn more and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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